The largest boogie in the history of Egypt
November 12, 2024
3 min read
Jump Like a Pharaoh Vol. 7 was the largest boogie in the history of Egypt, with over 200 participants attending from 34 countries. Boogie was organized by Mustafa Saeed and Mahmoud Sharaf from Skydive Egypt. An impressive jump fleet of C-130 and Mi-17 aircraft offered a tailgate experience over a historic place.
Angle flying over the Giza pyramids. Phot by Sebastiano Jotti.
Altogether, more than 1,200 jumps were made. One of the memorable jumps was a night jump from a Hercules.

Elite harness&container system,
ICON Vs put to the test by A-team members exiting a C-130 at night. Photo by
Ioannis Vlachiotis.
The boogie ended as a big success with no injuries and unforegetable memories. There were a lot of A-team members on staff and attending as well, including Dario Jotti, Sebastiano Jotti, Nicu Pulfer, Matt Landsman, Herman Landsman, Erwin van Hooijdonk, Sergey Nazarov, Laurent Billet, and Lucas Luketa from Foo Flyers.

Dario Jotti lands his trusted
Pilot by the Giza pyramids. Photo by the legendary
Wendy Smith.
Jump Like a Pharaoh Vol. 8 official website.