Passionate about dynamic movement and coaching.
Message for beginners:
Dedication is the number one key in this sport. Persistence pays off. And for God’s sake, have fun doing it!
My story:
My first skydive was on June 15th, 2012, at Skydive Long Island (Calverton NY). I specifically remember this because it was on my birthday. From the second I left the plane; I was immediately hooked. I returned to the ground went over to manifest, pointed at the King air on the ground and said, "I want to go on that plane, right now!”
Manifest then said to me "Well I can’t get you on that one, but I can put you on the next.” To my pleasure I accepted and once again I was going to go on another Tandem skydive. My second TI asked me if he just saw me on the plane a few minutes ago. I said "Yep, how do I become a skydiver?” After some talks on ground school, I found myself at the drop zone the next day for ground school.
Fast forward a few years. I was involved in a skydiving collision and was out of the sport for a year.
Professional opinion advised me not to skydive, but being such an addict, I asked, "Well is the tunnel, ok?” My doctor said it wasn’t a problem to tunnel fly, BIG mistake. iFly Westchester just opened down the street from my professional career, so every day for a year straight, I flew in the tunnel. I will emphasize that I was there EVERY day. Once my doctor said I could get back into jumping again, I found myself with newfound skill, humbleness, and appreciation for our sport. My next stop was Skydive Cross Keys.
Since Skydive Long Island closed their doors. Cross Keys was the next best place to jump and pay my newfound talent forward. A few months later I found myself load organizing and acquiring experience in situational awareness. For a few years there, I organized, coached in the sky, and coached in the tunnel. All while seeing the importance of continuation of learning. How I love to learn and then take those learnings and relay them to my students.
For eight years now, I have extended my knowledge and have gotten new perspectives in the art of body flight. I traveled all over the world expanding and gaining new ideas in this artform. I have hosted and attended numerous amounts of skills camps from Free flying to Dynamic body flight.
My reach has now expanded out to Europe. The pleasure I get from those "ah ha” moments is unfathomable. I love it so much. That is what keeps me going.
I am now expanding my knowledge by hosting numerous large skills camps. I am the soul organizer of, "Vert and Dessert” and "CK Angle Weekend.” Both hosted by Skydive Cross Keys in which I gather the world’s greatest coaches and help all levels of skydivers from introduction to movement jumps to the mega shredder. I cannot get enough of pleasure in helping all levels of skydivers.
Future goals:
World champion in 2- and 4-way dynamic flying. World class coach. My goal is to get that phone call from different drop zones from all over the world, and coach.

Kevin Arcamona swooping his Karma. Photo by: Eric Sauerbier.