ICON Long seen through Andy Sbarato eyes
Hey skydivers, Andy Sbarato here, Aerodyne athlete/dealer and owner of Option Gravity.
I’ve been with Aerodyne since 2017, the very beginning of my skydiving career and I have been flying the Icon long version (IL) all this time for the past 1300 jumps. Traveling the globe vastly to different events and boogies, I have often been approached with surprise from many jumpers to my Icon V long version.
It’s very common to have a regular rig design as you all can imagine, being the most sold version of the Icon with the long version targeted at a smaller market of fewer jumpers. The Aerodyne Icon V Long version was added to production to facilitate the reach to deployment handle for wingsuiters and tall people.
Wingsuiters, ok that’s clear, but how tall should a person be to get a long version?
Well, I’m 183cm = 6ft tall and I truly enjoy to easily reach my handle, this helps me to always have a very stable position on deployment that helps to avoid line twists, that can often end up in cutting away on small canopies. Have you ever found yourself having difficulties reaching the handles, arching way too much uncomfortably or feeling that your arm doesn’t have a strong deployment movement? There we go!
My personal recommendation is that you may enjoy the long version more if you’re at least 180cm and/or your torso is more than 160cm. The rig has a slightly elongated body, narrower on the sides and just fits and looks great!
If you have any doubts please contact your nearest Aerodyne dealer, I am sure you’ll be very happy considering this for your next rig!
Have a great jumping season everyone, see you around!
Pics by
Reto Nyffenegger
Skydive Switzerland
More about ICON Harnes and container system:
ICON container is available in 13 sizes to accommodate variety of canopies and body types: